Welcome Note

Health Private Ltd provides a range of specialist mental health services to individuals, families, businesses and large corporates.  We also provide Mediation Services across the board.

The Company aspire to expand and develop across the UK and invite the Professionals and Businesses to contact us should they want to be a part of our evolving mission to progress and bring care to the patients and businesses at their door-step.

The professionals from all disciplines of mental health service (Accredited and Certified or by experience) are welcome to join us and be a part of the success.

We offer Mutual Advertising Scheme (MAS) to businesses aiming to achieve mutual growth and success.

The process to join us is simple and straight forward, just email us at with your CV and we will contact you at our earliest.

We look forward to hearing from you.


About Us

Health Private Ltd was formed on 19 February 2013 by Dr Sammad Hashmi, Consultant Psychiatrist and Clinical Director in the NHS. The Company is registered as a private limited company under the Companies Act 2006 (Company Number 8410595).

The professionals who offer their expertise and professional mental health services through the Health Private Ltd  are sole traders and individually responsible for their practice standards in accordance to the relevant Regulatory Body i.e. General Medical Council, Royal Pharmaceutical Society, British Psychological Society and Nursing and Midwifery Council.

The company provides a comprehensive and seamless administrative support to the professionals to assist them in discharging their responsibilities effectively in the best interest of the patients under their care.

The company follows high levels of service delivery standards and constant monitoring through the inbuilt feedback system from the patients and the professionals.

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